
oooh happiness. tegan & sara are streaming their new album, sainthood, on their myspace so go and have a listen! or just click here.

and these 2 will be taking over spinner throughout the week so be sure to keep an eye on that!


  1. Wooo. Think i'll leave a comment if thats ok. *shy*
    I mostly like the first tracks! :)

  2. Please do! (the Yeebster says she can't comment, doesn't work... :( )
    Yeah? My favorites so far are 'Sentimental Tune' and 'On Directing'. I'm biased. :D

    go steeeady with meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  3. I appreciate your offer but im too unstable to go steady. :P

    Arrow's my fave. I think. And 2,3,4,8,11 and 12. :P

  4. is that a subtle way of telling me i'm not good enough for you? :(

    *goes check track numbers*

    alright. :D

  5. No. :D Should be the other way round then. :P

    Not train tracks right?
    Youre not gonna jump in front of a train now? *sad*

  6. Bon, uhm, enfin écouté l'album.. :D
    J'dirais que mes préférées sont Arrow, Hell, On Directing et Sentimental Tune.. M'enfin bon, en le réécoutant, elles sont toutes trop ! 8)

  7. @Pie: mwahahaha! not in the near future.

    @Smi: Ok, je note. Alors ça donne: tegan/1 vs sara/3


  8. Mince !! :D
    Sûre qu'en fait, il y en a plus de Sara, c'pour ça.. :P
    Pis ça m'fait penser à la vidéo de Spinner.. :D Sont cro toutes les deux ! 8)

  9. Haaan, j'pensais plus que ça.. :)
    Bon bah, celles de Sara sont mieux alors.. :x :D
